Monday 9 July 2012


Michishige Sayumi was called from the Morning Musume LOVE Audition 2002 to accompany Morning Musume as allotment of the sixth generation, forth with Kamei Eri and Tanaka Reina. She fabricated her
admission on the individual Shabondama, was aboriginal featured on the Ai no Dai 6 Kan album, and fabricated her aboriginal concert actualization at the Morning Musume Concert Tour 2003 Haru “Non Stop!” concert.
While advised the weakest of her bearing vocally, she tries to atone with acceptable looks and a egotistic personality, aboveboard apropos to herself as the the cutest affiliate of Morning Musume. Michishige Sayumi is sometimes advised the almsman to Ishikawa Rika, accustomed the role they accept anniversary played aural the group.

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